Butterfly Life in a Caterpillar World
Retail Price: $24.95
Sales Price: $20.00
Format: Hardcover
Length: 366 pages
We don’t live in a butterfly world. Evil and ugliness abound. Life is really hard and very painful at times.
We do live in a caterpillar world. Is it possible, in this kind of environment, to live a butterfly kind of life – to fly above all the troubles and terrors of this life?
We have it on the best authority, the Word of God – we can!
The real question is a personal one – not can you, but will you live this butterfly kind of life?
"This book combines spiritual depth with wonderful humor. I found myself wanting to cry in certain sections and enjoying a laugh in others. It will certainly make you want to fly like a butterfly."
- Dr Roy Fish Distinguished Professor of Evangelism Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Fort Worth, Texas"Hope will be stimulated in the life of those who read this book. Readers will be drawn into Betty's story and invited to experience the transformation all of us desire."
-Phil Largent President IMD International Denver, Colorado"Betty Moni has painted a beautiful and creative picture of how Jesus transforms us into a new creation. You will appreciate all that God has done for you with a new perspective as you journey through these pages."
-R. James Shupp Pastor Castle Hills First Baptist Church San Antonio, Texas